Aug 10, 2015
From The Inside Out
I have lived in Cusco for almost five years and run a family nature club, Club NaturaNiños, since early 2012. We set off into the...

Apr 27, 2015
Living with Trash
Trash, rubbish, garbage, litter – I never know which word to use. But it all amounts to the same thing. My pet hate. One of the few...

Mar 21, 2015
The Andes of Peru
The Andes of Peru Fickle skies, blue as a kingfisher’s wing, Crouching clouds casting cool shadows On gap-toothed, patchwork mountain...

Nov 16, 2014
An Ecstasy of Animals
We’ve all heard of a pack of wolves, a colony of bats and a herd of deer, but other collective animal names are less well known and much...

Jun 5, 2014
Club NaturaNiños
First published on http://blog.childrenandnature.org/2014/06/05/las-recompensas-del-aire-libre-en-peru-club-naturaninos-comparte-los-done...

Jan 5, 2014
First published on San Diego Zoo Global's Wildlife Field Notes blog The howler monkeys wake me up before my alarm clock does. For a...