Jun 14, 2019
Nature in Fiction: An interview with Glendy Vanderah
Glendy Vanderah's Where the Forest Meets the Stars is an Amazon Charts, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller, will be...

May 28, 2018
Our Place: A Review
I don’t know whether to applaud Mark Cocker or kick him in the shins. Maybe both. I’ve just finished reading his Our Place: Can We Save...

Oct 29, 2017
In Search of Grace: A Review
In Search of Grace is a contemplative, generous, and strangely reassuring read. It is Reason’s offering towards a new order of things. I am

Dec 18, 2016
Sea Fever
It was my boat-loving, ocean-going father who first told me about John Masefield's poem. My father is not much into poetry but I can see...

May 11, 2016
Sixty Degrees North and The Pigeonhole Experience
Let me introduce you to ‘The Pigeonhole Experience’. The Pigeonhole is a digital publishing platform offering an innovative product: a...

Mar 7, 2016
The Wonder of Rachel Carson
This week, I’m letting somebody else speak for me - had the author been alive today, I like to think she wouldn’t have minded my sharing...

Jun 22, 2015
50 Top Novels for Nature and Animal-Loving Kids Aged 9 to 99!
This is a simple list of titles and corresponding authors, of which I’ve personally read (and can highly recommend) at least 40, many...

Apr 13, 2015
A Hero for a Lifetime
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post, Old Friends, about the powerful impact books can have during childhood. The photo I used to...