Mar 22, 2020
Fabulosas Franklin's
Aves. Miles de ellas. Una amplia cinta de color gris pálido a lo largo de toda la playa. HacÃa años que no veÃa tantas. HabÃa perdido la...

Mar 21, 2020
Franklin's Forever
Birds. Thousands of them. A broad ribbon of pale grey along the entire beach. It was years since I'd seen so many. I had lost hope it was...

Jun 14, 2019
Nature in Fiction: An interview with Glendy Vanderah
Glendy Vanderah's Where the Forest Meets the Stars is an Amazon Charts, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller, will be...

Jan 25, 2019
A Giant Announcement!
My new book, The Giant Otter: Giants of the Amazon, is available for preorder! I have been involved with giant otters, in one way or...

Nov 14, 2018
Boy or Girl?
Day 4, 9 am, Cocha Cashu, Manu National Park, Peru. The water boils and churns as nine endangered giant otters vigorously pursue a school...

Sep 7, 2018
My Animal Self
An opinion piece in The New York Times caught my eye recently. In The Beast in Me, Maxim Loskutoff describes an encounter with a female...

May 28, 2018
Our Place: A Review
I don’t know whether to applaud Mark Cocker or kick him in the shins. Maybe both. I’ve just finished reading his Our Place: Can We Save...

May 4, 2018
A Queer, Delightful Feeling
My mother and I both have husbands who do not much care for visiting museums and famous monuments, or gardens, ancient ruins, and...

Nov 24, 2017
Black Beast
Imagine this. It’s night and you’re alone in the rainforest. You’re walking along a narrow trail, a machete in one hand, a torch in the...

Nov 7, 2017
The Hapless Hoatzin
I have a confession to make. It’s hard for me, a lover of all creatures wild, to admit this, but… I have rather ambivalent feelings when...