May 28, 2018
Our Place: A Review
I don’t know whether to applaud Mark Cocker or kick him in the shins. Maybe both. I’ve just finished reading his Our Place: Can We Save...

May 4, 2018
A Queer, Delightful Feeling
My mother and I both have husbands who do not much care for visiting museums and famous monuments, or gardens, ancient ruins, and...

Sep 10, 2017
Ocean Country: A Review
There is a skill to writing a really good book review. A couple of years ago I thought I would give it a try, and I started a Top Nature...

May 2, 2017
Conservation: A Dream, Not a Problem
Conservation. Optimism. Two great words in themselves, but in combination they are compelling, even startling. When I heard talk of a...

Apr 5, 2017
Do I Do Enough?
It’s midnight. I’ve been on my laptop all day and I’ve just had a glass of wine to wind down. Before I go to bed, I check my inbox and...

Mar 7, 2016
The Wonder of Rachel Carson
This week, I’m letting somebody else speak for me - had the author been alive today, I like to think she wouldn’t have minded my sharing...

Aug 17, 2015
In the Grand Scheme of Things
I wrote the following a few months ago, after spending an hour or so trawling my Facebook feed which I use to gather environmental news,...