Oct 29, 2017
In Search of Grace: A Review
In Search of Grace is a contemplative, generous, and strangely reassuring read. It is Reason’s offering towards a new order of things. I am

Sep 10, 2017
Ocean Country: A Review
There is a skill to writing a really good book review. A couple of years ago I thought I would give it a try, and I started a Top Nature...

Mar 5, 2017
The Plastic Iceberg
Yesterday, for the first time in a year, our family nature club set forth on a mission... and triumphed. But our success was bittersweet....

Jan 5, 2017
Beach Bliss
To finish the old year on a high note, and to see in 2017 as we mean to go on, we went on a family camping trip after Christmas to the...

Dec 18, 2016
Sea Fever
It was my boat-loving, ocean-going father who first told me about John Masefield's poem. My father is not much into poetry but I can see...

Aug 4, 2016
A Colour Without Peer
It’s a colour I’ve been trying to capture all my adult life. I want to hold it in my hand, bathe in it, live forever near it. It’s a...

Nov 12, 2015
When people ask me where I’m from, I never know what to say. It’s complicated. What exactly do they mean? Where was I born? What...