Mar 22, 2020
Fabulosas Franklin's
Aves. Miles de ellas. Una amplia cinta de color gris pálido a lo largo de toda la playa. HacÃa años que no veÃa tantas. HabÃa perdido la...

Mar 21, 2020
Franklin's Forever
Birds. Thousands of them. A broad ribbon of pale grey along the entire beach. It was years since I'd seen so many. I had lost hope it was...

Nov 14, 2018
Boy or Girl?
Day 4, 9 am, Cocha Cashu, Manu National Park, Peru. The water boils and churns as nine endangered giant otters vigorously pursue a school...

Nov 24, 2017
Black Beast
Imagine this. It’s night and you’re alone in the rainforest. You’re walking along a narrow trail, a machete in one hand, a torch in the...

Nov 7, 2017
The Hapless Hoatzin
I have a confession to make. It’s hard for me, a lover of all creatures wild, to admit this, but… I have rather ambivalent feelings when...

Oct 12, 2017
Flutter By
I found these butterflies and moths recently over a period of three days at a tourism lodge in the Tambopata National Reserve, southeastern

Jul 11, 2017
The Lake at Manu's Gate
Angel Rojas Valles met us with a warm, welcoming smile and outstretched hand. In his other hand he carried a plastic bag containing...

May 19, 2017
Elephant-Friendly Ivory
Ivory is not art. Except when it graces a living elephant. But vegetable ivory? That’s a different matter. Yep, you read that right....