Mar 22, 2020
Fabulosas Franklin's
Aves. Miles de ellas. Una amplia cinta de color gris pálido a lo largo de toda la playa. HacÃa años que no veÃa tantas. HabÃa perdido la...

Mar 21, 2020
Franklin's Forever
Birds. Thousands of them. A broad ribbon of pale grey along the entire beach. It was years since I'd seen so many. I had lost hope it was...

Jan 25, 2019
A Giant Announcement!
My new book, The Giant Otter: Giants of the Amazon, is available for preorder! I have been involved with giant otters, in one way or...

Sep 4, 2017
Dying to See
There were two animals my family was dying to see during our recent road trip through northern California and Oregon. The first was a...

Mar 23, 2017
A Giant Work in Progress
I am writing a book. Or rather, I’m about to start writing a book. I actually have a deadline for it, because it’s under contract. My...

Jun 12, 2016
Nature and Photography: Uneasy Partners
Recently, a good friend of mine posted a link on Facebook to an article entitled A Sad Tale of Photographing in Yellowstone, by...

May 22, 2016
Giants of the Madre de Dios
I thought I’d share with you (a slightly adapted) part of the introduction to a book I co-wrote with my husband, Frank Hajek, in 2006....

Nov 21, 2015
Something Special
In late 2007, my husband and I and our two kids left our home in North Luangwa National Park, Zambia, and set off on a six-month journey...