May 9, 2016
Log Cabin in the Woods
Isn’t this something lots of people, lots of writers, dream of having? A quiet, rustic refuge from our hectic, digital lives? A place...

Mar 28, 2016
Stars in Our Eyes
We went camping to Paracas over the Easter weekend. After the usual last-minute irritable rush to pack the car, we threaded our way to...

Dec 13, 2015
Enchanted by Cocha Cashu
When people think of the tropical rainforest, I believe the picture most have in their minds is of trees. Lots and lots of tall trees. An...

Nov 12, 2015
When people ask me where I’m from, I never know what to say. It’s complicated. What exactly do they mean? Where was I born? What...

Sep 13, 2015
Some months back, on a Sunday morning, my dog added his outdoor voice to those of my bickering kids and told me something was wrong. I...

Aug 30, 2015
A Sting in the Tale
Zacarias ran towards us, eyes alight with anticipation. “There’s a large group of howlers in the fig tree right next to the tower” he...

Aug 25, 2015
The Search for Sirena
I slapped at a nagging mosquito. Mozzies? In broad daylight? “This is just ridiculous,” I muttered. “Well,” Frank said, consulting the...

Aug 23, 2015
A New Family of Giants
First published on San Diego Zoo Global's Wildlife Field Notes blog A horsefly of some sort drones around my head. There’s something...